[Salon] Fwd: We knew this was coming

(See email message below.)

What was most encouraging for me is that, throughout these ugly attacks, HaMoked’s staff continued their work undeterred, assisting dozens of Palestinians, individuals and families who called us this month for assistance: parents frantic after their son's arrest, farmers denied access to farmlands beyond the separation wall, Jerusalem families trying to get the permit necessary to live together without fear of deportation, and more.

This is one reason why I despise the U.S. “Ultranationalists;” i.e., the “New Right,” consisting of National Conservatives, Trumpites, DeSantisites, "Traditional Conservatives,” all allied with the “Ultranationlist Knesset lobby.”

I met Jessica Montell when I was in Jerusalem recently, was very impressed with her and her legal work, and had a depressing conversation with her, given the subject of our discussion. In part, it was on the role and consolidation of the US/Israeli “Fascists” (that's what they’re correctly being called in Israel now that they’re fully taking their masks off) through "Radical Right-wing” Conservative organizations, like Kohelet Forum, Tikvah Fund, the Federalist Society, CPAC, and last but not least, Yoram Hazony’s “Edmund Burke Foundation.”

The link below and headline pretty much says it all of this “coalition,” which Trump took way beyond anything the Neoconservatives could have ever hoped for, and now DeSantis intends to take it evern farther!

Six Human Rights organizations have already been declared “terrorists” by the Israeli Fascists, with Hamoked now in that line of “first they came for . . . and as is clear, with all the clamor Trump got, and was enthusiastic, for “declaring martial law,” “It Can Happen Here!” Good and Hard! 

I urge people here to donate to HaMoked, as I will!

DeSantis and Netanyahu: Shameless, Dangerous Anti-democratic Brothers-in-arms - Opinion - Haaretz.com

"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, ahead of his expected presidential run, flew all the way to Israel to give the keynote address at an event at the Museum of Tolerance Thursday.

"A press release announcing the speech said he was going to “introduce changemakers to those who embrace tolerance and acceptance.”

"Though it’s hard to believe, this is actually not a joke.”

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jessica Montell - HaMoked <j.montell@hamoked.org.il>
Subject: We knew this was coming
Date: May 31, 2023 at 8:59:18 AM CDT

Click here for English

לקריאה בעברית


Dear Todd,

For years, HaMoked operated under the radar assisting thousands of Palestinians without attracting too much attention. Those days are long gone. Now HaMoked is the subject of an ugly attack from ultranationalist groups allied with this extremist government.

Will you support HaMoked?

Recently Channel 14 News (Israel’s version of Fox News) aired an “exposé” against the organization, with hidden cameras “revealing” that HaMoked challenges punitive home demolitions, and demands that Israel respect the basic rights of prisoners, even those convicted of violent attacks. This work to defend basic human rights was framed as support for terrorism.

Immediately an ultranationalist Knesset lobby convened to “demand that HaMoked be shut down”. Members of Knesset and a cabinet minister wrote to Ambassadors of countries that provide support to HaMoked, demanding they stop funding us. All of these attacks were fodder for a broader attack on the human rights community, with these same Members of Knesset proposing a 65% tax on foreign government funding to the human rights community – a proposal that was frozen thanks to the very vocal opposition of Israel’s closest allies.

As I wrote recently in Ha’aretz, human rights organizations are like the canary in the coal mine, indicating the oxygen necessary for a healthy society. This government and its ultranationalist allies are working to restrict human rights organizations at the same time they advance proposals to undermine Israel’s judicial system. Both of these initiatives are intended to cripple any opposition to their broader agenda of advancing annexation and apartheid.

The ultranationalists have decided that the best way to stop the work of human rights organizations is to target funding from foreign governments. We are very grateful to European governments for their generous grants to HaMoked, and for their unmitigated support to HaMoked and the human rights community in the face of these attacks. (In the midst of the attacks, France’s Consul-General in Jerusalem awarded me the National Order of Merit. You can see remarks from the ceremony below). 

At the same time, we are taking steps to diversify HaMoked’s sources of funding. Private donations are crucial to ensure HaMoked’s financial sustainability and to demonstrate that individuals in Israel and around the world support our work.

What was most encouraging for me is that, throughout these ugly attacks, HaMoked’s staff continued their work undeterred, assisting dozens of Palestinians, individuals and families who called us this month for assistance: parents frantic after their son's arrest, farmers denied access to farmlands beyond the separation wall, Jerusalem families trying to get the permit necessary to live together without fear of deportation, and more.

We need your assistance to continue this work. I thank all of you who have already made donations.



Jessica Montell
Executive Director of HaMoked

French National Order of Merit
Ceremony at the French Consulate in Jerusalem recognizing Jessica Montell
The Canary in the Coal Mine
A government that works to restrict human rights organizations is a threat to society as a whole
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